Aligning CAP & NRL: Peatland perspectives from across Europe

Aligning CAP & NRL: Peatland perspectives from across Europe

Welcome to our free online event where we will be discussing the alignment of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Nature Restoration Law (NRL) with a focus on peatland perspectives from across Europe.

How can the Nature Restoration L`aw's new peatland targets align with the Common Agricultural Policy?

Our speakers, representing EU institutions, experts, and organisations from Finland, Lithuania and Ireland will address these questions in their presentations and panel discussions from both Nature and Agriculture perspectives.

Join us for insightful discussions with experts in the field. Register now to secure your spot!

Organised by: Eurosite & LIFE Multi Peat Project Partners such as NABU, the coordinative partner

This event is free of charge.

Zur Anmeldung



04.09.2024 - 11:00


04.09.2024 - 13:00


